NAD Educators’ Convention by Arne Nielsen
Although the name, location, and frequency has changed, the 2023 convention will continue to be a time for professional development, spiritual growth, and connection with fellow educators. Find details about the convention here.
A Transformational Learning Shift by Becky Meharry and Jay Wintermeyer
“Standards-based learning is the next exciting step in our journey to excellence. It brings a transformational shift in the learning process and has the potential to illuminate understanding for countless learners.”
Adventist Education Offering Something Better by Diane Harris
In Adventist schools, “students enter the classroom each day to discover their God-given purpose and to learn skills that prepare them for a life of service. These classrooms are led by dedicated teachers who want to fulfill the mission of Adventist education, which is to help each student reach their highest potential and foster a lifelong friendship with God that allows them to honor Him and bless others.” Read the responses several Rocky Mountain Conference teachers gave when asked why they choose to teach.
What Is So Important About MAP Growth? by Leisa Morton-Standish
This article covers topics such as the benefits of administering MAP Growth tests three times a year, how to integrate testing into your school’s schedule, and how to use the data. Links to free trainings are included.
Change is Coming! by Martha Ban
Look ahead to changes coming to the North American Division Adventist Education website this May.
Journey to Excellence 2.0 and Understanding the Value of Teacher Certification by H. Stephen Bralley
“Teachers are the key to student learning and success. As important as it is to prepare students academically, it is even more important for teachers to be prepared to meet the redemptive goals of Adventist education.”
Consider Extending Your Classroom Outdoors by Evelyn Sullivan
With spring approaching, now is the perfect time to consider how to extend your classroom to the great outdoors. Conducting class outside “can help boost students’ mental health and physical fitness while improving academic performance and increasing creativity. Nature can also soothe anxiety, promote calmness, and increase students’ attention span. Another bonus is that students’ behavior improves, and they work more cooperatively with their peers.”
Topics covered in this issue’s column include mental health training, collaborative ministry, employment opportunities, and more.