Building Educational Technology Skills

Best Practices April 21, 2022

As educators, we strive to stay up to date in all areas to the best of our abilities. Since the pandemic, it is more important than ever for every teacher to be very familiar with technology in education, including virtual classes, synchronous and asynchronous learning, learning platforms, digital interactions, and psychological factors that impact students working online.

Unfortunately, some of us may find that our digital skills are not enough for the current situation. The good news is that it is possible to improve technology skills greatly with a positive attitude towards learning about technology, good advisors, practice, planning, and patience. So where should you start if you feel that your technology skills could use some updating? Focus on the two basic steps of learning: building a knowledge base and applying the new knowledge. 

Building Your Knowledge Base

There are many services and tools online that can help teachers develop their digital skills. 

  • Google Education Teaching Resources. Google Education provides many tools for education, along with information on how to use these resources in your classroom.
  • 82 Education Technology Tools
  • Pantallas Amigas. This website provides Spanish-language educational resources related to safety in the digital world.
  • Twitter. Twitter has many helpful education accounts run by institutions and educators, and also has accounts related to any aspect of digital learning you want to learn more about. 
  • Facebook. By searching Facebook, you can find groups for educators that can answer specific questions that come up as you learn about educational technology. 

Steps to Take

Once you have increased your knowledge base, the next step is to apply your knowledge. Here are a few actions to consider:

  • Create your own digital space, such as a domain name, website, or social profile related to education.
  • Participate and discuss in digital spaces, such as on forums and education pages. 
  • Create your own YouTube channel and post lessons or informative videos there.
  • Start a podcast to record your thoughts, daily reflections, or a selected topic and share it with your students.

Finally, make sure to take the time to share the things you have learned with others. You can create tutorials or simply share with those around you. There’s always someone who could use help, and by sharing, you can demonstrate love and care for your students and your community.



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