As in many areas of life, “change” very well describes the dynamic workplace today. This issue of International Forum, the interdisciplinary research journal of the graduate school of AIIAS (Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies), addresses this concept, as well as a variety of other topics. Written by Prema Gaikwad, Volume 24, Number 2’s editorial is titled Orchestrating Simultaneous Changes in a Complex World. Other articles that may be of interest to educators include:
Nurturing Engineering Habits of Mind in the 21st Century Learners by Mary Grace Ladion-De Guzman
“This theoretical paper explores the six engineering habits of mind that need to permeate students’ learning, such as systems thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, optimism, and ethical considerations.”
Reframing Leadership with a Focus on Inner Space Development by Ruth Obara and Safary Wa-Mbaleka
“Humanity is facing a complex set of challenges in an increasingly uncertain, radical, and volatile world. To thrive, it needs leadership that manifests more positive outcomes from the leader’s inner space.”
A Narrative Inquiry of an Adventist Educational Leader in Asia by Aurelie Mukabalisa and Prema Gaikwad
“This study is supported by the leadership emergence theory by Robert Clinton. The leadership emergence theory points to how God works in developing people over their entire lifetime.”
Practices of Cooperative Learning in Synchronous Meetings at an International Faith-based Elementary School in the Philippines: A Case Study by Naw Ei Phyu Sin Lay
“Covid 19 had an enormous impact on the delivery system of education. Synchronous Zoom meetings have been a great help in distance learning in the elementary school. This article aimed to explore the practices of cooperative learning at an international faith-based school in the Philippines.”
Acceptance and Adoption of E-Learning Tools Among Second Language Learners: A Case Study by Carol Linda Kingston
“This qualitative case study sought to examine the contributions of acceptance and adoption, assistance, and challenges that second language learners faced using e-learning tools at a private higher educational institution in Silang, Philippines.”
The Portrayal of the Implementation of Faith and Learning by Adventist Teachers in Manado: A Case Study by Istiarti Berci Sarempaa
“This qualitative case study used the theory of integration of faith from Taylor (2001) as the basis to explore the implementation of IFL in Adventist high schools in Manado.”
Application of Leadership Theories to Crisis Management in Institutions of Higher Learning: The Case of the COVID-19 Pandemic by Lendeh T. Seboe and Safary Wa-Mbaleka
“This paper analyzes theories and approaches that were applicable to the COVID-19 crisis management strategies in institutions of higher learning during the pandemic. It explores four critically interwoven leadership approaches inclusive of transformational, servant, adaptive, and team leadership, which were inarguably beneficial for both long- and short-term impacts on the advancement of higher education in an unstable environment like the one imposed by COVID-19.”
Transition Experience of Graduate Students in an Asian Multicultural Institution: A Case Study by Gianina-Estera Petre and Amita Kamsuon Jones
“This qualitative case study describes the transition experiences of students who never studied in but are currently studying in a faith-based institution.”
Designing Hybrid Teaching Strategies for Multiage Learners by Mary Grace Ladion-De Guzman and Lalhmunmawii Kachchhap
“The hybridization of teaching models and strategies permits effective implementation of instruction because it supports students’ different learning styles and multiple intelligences.”