When the Work Feels Pointless and Thankless

Christian Growth December 22, 2022

Many people characterize editing as burdensome and unnecessary, but I take pleasure in editing written works. Seeing written works transform gives me a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. To me, it feels like cleaning my house and making it comfortable to live in. But I realized that only few of us feel this way. So why do I take it so seriously? Why do I invest so much time and energy on editing? I have several reasons, reasons which I think can apply to any task that feels pointless or thankless in the moment:

  • I believe that this is my calling and my God-given gift. I am not going to waste it by using it haphazardly, especially because not many people can do this job. If I don’t do it well, then who will? It is my service to my community, the church, and God. God requires only the best. He is not pleased with mediocrity.
  • I believe that God requires me to be faithful. Yes, most people think editing is a very minor job which people can live without, but as Luke 16:10 says, “whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” God will take care of my mistakes as long as I faithfully do my responsibilities.
  • I believe that I should give my best in everything I do. As the Bible reminds us, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10) and “with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23). Others might not see the worth of editing, even after they receive editorial services, but the editing is not worthless even if they don’t see the worth. I know that my master is the Lord and I answer to Him. 
  • I believe that every Christian is a representative of Christ. This encompasses our whole being: life, services, products, everything. What kind of representative would I be if I didn’t put in my full effort? Christ is thorough, beautiful, perfect, and I strive my best to show those qualities as well. 
  • I believe that strictly following editorial and style rules trains me to be obedient to the commandments of God. True, not following editorial rules may not lead to life-threatening consequences, but it is the little things that make big things. If we can be trusted with little, we can be trusted with much. Whoever can follow minor rules, can easily follow major ones.

Are you doing something that seem minor, inconsequential, trivial? Keep going. Keep giving your all. Others may not see and appreciate what you do, but be assured that the One who values your work most looks at it in the best possible way, and He is the ultimate Judge and Rewarder too!


Sheri Joy Namanya

Sheri is from the Philippines and serves as the editor of the Theological Seminary of Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies where she finished her MAEd in TESOL. She also taught English in three different countries and in different levels. She is passionate about SLA, TCK, cultural awareness, and research, among others. She hopes to contribute to the cause of Christ by supporting her pastor husband, Dan; training her children, Danielle Witness and Mishael Victor; and writing.

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