Engage Newsletter Summer 2024

Published quarterly, Engage is the official newsletter for North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist Education.

Engage Newsletter July 10, 2024

Feature: Arne Nielsen by Aimee Leukert
Arne Nielsen, North American Division Vice President for Education, passed to his rest on June 3, 2024. Read moving tributes of his devotion as a gifted educator and leader and share your own memories at the link provided.

Creating the Future by Arne Nielsen
“As the world is rapidly changing, we must keep up with the changes. STEM education is one of many tools we use in our classrooms that provides the skills needed to navigate the complexities of today’s world and workforce. Thank you for your partnership in this journey.”

Innovating with STEM Across the Curriculum by Betty Nugent
“When students engage in creating, coding, and presenting, they build essential skills and develop dendrites, fostering real-world leadership and learning experiences that they will never receive with worksheets alone. By embracing innovation and pushing the boundaries of traditional education, we pave the way for a brighter future, enhancing Adventist Education across the North American Division.”

Virtual Labs: Empowering Educators, Engaging Students by Rozaleth Tenga
“The preparation, planning, and implementation of labs can be quite demanding, not to mention the cleanup. Are traditional labs the only means to help students observe natural phenomena? Is there another way to teach complex concepts without the burden of safety concerns and cleanup? Indeed, there is!”

A Higher Design by H. Stephen Bralley
With ByDesign Biology, secondary science teachers can “confidently use a textbook that appropriately places the theories of materialistic Darwinism and biblical theism in the proper context.”

The Power of Breathing by Evelyn Sullivan
“Incorporating deep breathing practices doesn’t require much time and can be easily integrated into daily routines or transitions in the classroom. It’s a simple yet powerful tool for promoting a positive learning environment and supporting students’ emotional development. I challenge you to find fun, breathing exercises to incorporate throughout the school day.”



The Curriculum and Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators (CIRCLE) helps Seventh-day Adventist educators locate the ever-expanding array of resources for the ministry of teaching. Visit CIRCLE.adventistlearningcommunity.com to find and share Adventist educational resources anytime, anywhere.

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