You are invited to submit a proposal for a paper to be shared at the upcoming Re-Imagining Disciple Making Conference. The organizers welcome original research papers, case studies, reviews, and short communications that contribute to the understanding, development, and future directions of Disciple Making. They hope to learn from educators, pastors, healthcare workers, administrators and members from around the world. The proposal submission deadline is February 16, 2025. Continue reading for more information about the conference.
What: This is a call to Adventist church leaders and members worldwide to join the conversation about what it means to be an active disciple of Jesus Christ in 2025 and beyond.
Why: To discuss the impacts of developmental issues, trauma and culture on disciple making in the Seventh-day Adventist Church and how these issues can impact our disciple making activities in the home, school and church. Each day will feature dialogue sessions attempting to incorporate how the presentations help to inform our understanding and practice of disciple making.
Who: Presentations will be made by faculty from Andrews University including professors representing the Seminary, College of Education, AU Trauma Center; as well as by representatives from the General Conference, various world Divisions, Unions, as well as some individuals responding to the Call for Papers.
Where: The conference will be hosted at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminar on the campus of Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. The conference will be held in the seminary chapel and meals will be available at the university dining commons.
When: The conference will be open October 16, and will close October 18, 2025.
Who should attend: Church Administrators at all levels.
- Educational Superintendents
- Ministerial Directors
- Mental Healthcare Leaders
- Pastors
- Educators
- Family Life Coordinators
- Youth Ministers
- Healthcare Workers