In Adventist News: October-December 2022
North American Division publications recently included the following articles that may be of interest to Adventist educators. Enjoy reading!
Overscheduling in Children, Part 2: How Schools Can Help
As we discussed in our previous article, overscheduling can have serious consequences for our students. Although parents make many of the scheduling decisions for our…
A Makerspace in Your Classroom
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.” – Scott Adams A makerspace, an area dedicated to creation and…
Overscheduling in Children, Part 1: Effects
Children today have less freedom than children in previous generations. For instance, Clements and Louv say children spend less time playing in natural environments compared…
I Had Plans. So Did God.
I had a day off coming up, and I had plans: exams to grade, classes to prepare, and housework to complete. Then, my son’s Physics…
Benefits of Outdoor Education, Part 3: Spiritual Development
While we appreciate as educators the benefits that outdoor education has for the mental development and skills development of our students, there is another benefit…
Benefits of Outdoor Education, Part 2: Emotional and Social Skills
In addition to helping students strengthen their brain function and ability in the classroom, outdoor learning helps improve our students’ mental health and social and emotional…
Benefits of Outdoor Education, Part 1: Brain Function
Many people today believe that education needs to take place inside a specific structure during a set number of hours. Before there were formally structured…
In Adventist News: July-September 2022 (part 2)
Continued from last week, here are more articles about education in the North American Division.
In Adventist News: July-September 2022 (part 1)
North American Division publications recently included the following articles that may be of interest to Adventist educators.
Engage Newsletter Fall 2022
Published quarterly, Engage is the official newsletter for North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist Education.
Leadership, a Future-Driven Enterprise
We live in a world where the immediate takes precedence, as we move from one crisis to another. Yet in all the angst of the…