Language of Arithmetic: Multiplication
Mathematical symbols and formulas are ways of expressing relationships in the world. They serve to proffer solutions to human situations.
Language of Arithmetic: Subtraction
Mathematical symbols and formulas are ways of expressing relationships in the world. They serve to proffer solutions to human situations.
Tu Aula en la Naturaleza: Más cerca de Nuestro Creador
Debemos introducir la naturaleza intencionadamente en el currículo para hacer realidad el objetivo de llevar nuestra aula a la naturaleza.
Language of Arithmetic: Addition
Mathematical symbols and formula are ways of expressing relationships in the world. They serve to proffer solutions to human situations.
Adventist Schools: Think, Create, Innovate and Discover
Adventist schools are putting into place innovative and collaborative programs designed to deliver integrated science, technology, engineering and math.
Learning Objectives and the Great Commission
“You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you…
The Essential Question and Higher Order Thinking
Rapidly changing demands in the workplace have led to the need for a new kind of school graduate conversant with higher order thinking.
Designing Curriculum for the Glory of God
As an educator, curriculum development can be challenging. Educators want to ensure that curriculum is robust, relevant, and suitable to their audience.
Adventist Education for Specific Purposes
Adventist education can draw from the methods of English for Specific Purposes quality physical, social, mental and spiritual principles.
The Importance of Music in Adventist Education
Adventism boasts a culture with a rich musical heritage. See why Adventist education should focus on preserving and conveying this heritage.
Project-Based Learning During Online Learning
Project-Based Learning naturally provides students with opportunities for real-world learning and can also seamlessly combine content learning with service learning.
Projeto Festa dos Triângulos
A presença da geometria e matemática em nossas escolas auxilia as pessoas a solucionarem problemas do cotidiano.