Yo Estoy Contigo
A pesar de los obstáculos y las adversidades, siempre hay una luz que mana de Dios al final del túnel.
A Missionary’s Legacy
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is from Isaiah 54:2: “Enlarge the place of thy tent and let them stretch forth the curtains…
Little Missionaries at Work
Ten excited pairs of feet hurried down the sidewalk along the busy road leading from a small Austrian Adventist school to a big supermarket. Their…
Faith-based cooperation with families in everyday school life
If we remember our work as seed-layers for not only our students, but also their families, we will find that God can provide an even…
Principles of Authentic Education
“Serving and sustaining others is a tremendous privilege and the most honourable way to bring glory to the Creator.”
Teaching in the Digital Age
“The real question is not if teachers should be replaced, but rather what new roles they should play in helping students to navigate in the…
Marcando ovejaslobo
En nuestros colegios se debieran producir los protocolos y atmósferas que liberen a niños y adolescentes de abusos.
In Imitating Us, You Imitated the Master
“Christian teachers need to be experts in their fields in order to impart the best education to students. However, this is not enough to fundamentally…
What Elijah Teaches Us About Sustainable Education
“Elijah’s primary focus is not on judgment, but on turning the hearts of the people back to God.”
Aktivieren des Oberlin-Faktors
Bildung, die die dringendsten Bedürfnisse und Probleme der Menschen um uns herum aufnimmt und gesellschaftsrelevante Lösungen schafft.
The Pandemic, Us and Others
This virus is teaching us that faith, if nourished by love, does not schematize either life or people – even less God or the Bible.
How to do Foster Care for Children and Youth with Special Needs
A study in Germany reveals trends and provides strategies for foster families in managing the care of children and youth with special needs.