Andrews Teaching and Learning Conference Call for Papers
Adventist educators are invited to attend the twenty-second annual Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference (AUTLC) on March 27, 2025. Continuing the 150th year celebration of Andrews…
Integrating Faith and Learning
The integration of faith in learning goes beyond meeting institutional requirements in Christian schools.
Apoyo Emocional en la Docencia
“Jesús entonces les respondió y dijo: Mi enseñanza no es mía, sino del que me envió” Juan 7:16. Como estudiante de docencia, he tenido diversas…
Course Evaluations and Accountability
When it comes to student evaluations in higher education, do faculty genuinely consider that feedback from the perspective of actionable intent?
Lecciones de Empatía
“El amor es paciente, es bondadoso. El amor no es envidioso ni jactancioso ni orgulloso. No se comporta con rudeza, no es egoísta, no se…
Reflections on Research – Part 2
In Part 1 of this series, I outlined core concepts of research found throughout the Bible. This installment explores how those biblical instances and principles…
Invertir con altos rendimientos
“Confía en el Señor de todo corazón, y no en tu propia inteligencia. Reconócelo en todos tus caminos, y él allanará tus sendas” Proverbios 3:5-6.…
Reflections on Research – Part 1
Throughout the Bible, we find people who engage in a variety of research methods, including qualitative inquiry and quasi-experimental approaches, to name a few. The…
Hogares Sustitutos
“El hogar debe ser hecho todo lo que la palabra implica. Debe ser un pequeño cielo en la tierra, un lugar donde los afectos son…
Making Online Learning Personable
I've learned that engagement is one of the most fundamental aspects of learning in an online setting.
Fe, ayuno y sabiduría
En un mundo lleno de desafíos académicos y personales, el ayuno puede ser más que una práctica religiosa.
Desmos Activities for the Classroom
This article will demonstrate two examples of free Desmos activities that I utilize regularly in my classroom.