French – Thèmes de formation continue
Portuguese – Temas de Educação Continua
Spanish – Temas de Educación Continua
Need inspiration as you consider writing a blog article? Scan the suggested subtopics in each of the twelve themes below as you reflect on where God has led in your educational experience. If you have just 10 minutes to train a new teacher in one of these subtopics, what would you say and do? Drawing on your experience and citing current key sources, concisely craft your just-in-time training as a blog article. Using real examples in your situation will best help other teachers in similar situations. Our dream is to compile 365 blog articles that reflect these 12 themes into a printable format extending access beyond the internet. Thank you for considering both formats and audiences as you write.
1. Philosophy & mission
Philosophy of Adventist education; Adventist church and education history, including Gift of Prophecy; global Adventism; missions; health & wellness.
2. Christian growth
Teacher spiritual formation & training to lead students to Christ; Jesus as master teacher.
3. Curriculum
Standards & frameworks; curriculum mapping & design; essential questions; writing objectives; annual plan; syllabus; unit/lesson plans; alignment; resource evaluation; planning for mastery; applied learning; critical thinking; media literacy; levelling; planning for Christian outcomes.
4. Assessment & evaluation
Alignment of instruction and assessment; placement; assessment and grading; authentic assessments; designing valid tests; higher order questions; assessing program outcomes; high stakes testing; using technology for formative assessment; digitally evaluating work; rubrics; institutional effectiveness; school evaluation; teacher evaluation; biblical perspectives on assessment and evaluation.
5. Instruction & teaching
Developmentally appropriate instruction; integrated language learning; diversity; inclusion; accommodation; communication; progress monitoring; variety of resources; essential questions; problem-based teaching; Socratic methods; independent learning supervision; flipped classroom; actual & virtual field trips; adult learners; thematic instruction; reflection on biblical perspectives
6. Learning
Psychology of learning, including brain research; 21st century global outcomes; personalized learning; accommodations; learning styles; modes of learning; multiple intelligences; faith learning
7. Sustainable leadership
Biblical perspectives; sustainable practices; teachers, students, principals, staff & education directors as leaders; plant administration; extra-curricular activities; conflict management; team building; visioning; faith-learning-living integration.
8. Professional development
Adventist education system; memberships; leadership; continuing education reading; research; standards & resource creation; creativity; stress & change management; visioning; collegial learning; networking; advancing profession; spiritual development; ethical practices.
9. School environment
A community of grace; redemptive discipline; marketing/PR; conflict management; classroom management; facilities planning.
10. Communication & Cooperation
Communicating with parents, students, colleagues, church, and community; Adventist network; government; accreditors; vision; marketing; conflict & crisis management; forgiveness; alignment; peer mentoring; community service; cross-cultural; prayer & partnerships.
11. Reflective practice
Adventist perspective; personal knowledge base; self-assessment of teaching; wellness; professional learning plan & documentation; school improvement; teacher evaluation; professional boundaries; accountability commitment; stress management; focus flexibility; reflecting Christ; teachers as prophet & priest; technology planning; spiritual master planning.
12. Best practices
Diversity; inclusion; accommodations; cooperative teaching across campuses; second language learning; residence hall ministry; service learning; exchange students; growth through disaster; teaching ministry inspiration within local context.
Unless you were asked to write about a specific topic, choose a topic that is meaningful to you and write 500 words in a blog or informal but information-rich style. For more information, review the Writer Guidelines.