Transforming Adventist Education Through Faith – Part 4

Christian Growth April 15, 2024

In the first part of this series, I discussed the challenges facing modern Adventist education. In the second and third parts, I explained how the biblical story of the paralyzed man and his friends provides a blueprint for bringing Adventist educational institutions before God. In this final installment, I focus on how our action, love, and faith can provide healing and support for a new generation of Adventists. 

When the men arrived at Capernaum, the crowd at the door and the windows refused to allow them inside the house to meet Jesus. They had to return to the drawing board and acquire ropes, hammers, chisels, and a ladder to get their paralyzed friend to the top of the roof.

In addition to the technical work of mechanical engineering and calculation, the four men had to figure out how to open the roof and lower the mat “above Jesus.” Any miscalculation could have brought the entire roof down and endangered the life of Jesus and the crowd. The men also needed to do the necessary physical work to move their friend. By the time they had successfully brought their friend to the foot of Jesus, they had truly given all.

Mark wrote, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, Son, your sins are forgiven” (Mark 2:5 NIV). The four men had given up everything to assist and save their friend. Imagine the amount of time spent planning and strategizing. They contributed their own money to buy essential tools for the operation as well as their time and physical effort.

Notice the action verbs used throughout Mark’s story in chapter 2, verse 3:

  1. The four men “came, bringing to him a paralyzed man.”
  2. The four men “carried the paralyzed man.
  3. The four men “made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it.” 
  4. The four men “lowered the mat the man was lying on.”

God tells the prophet Joel that in the last days, “sons and daughters will prophesy. . . young men will see visions” (Joel 2:28). Our Adventist schools must become the centers of  “prophesying and visioning” as we finish the work before the coming and return of the Lord. The last generation of believers must have a clear prophesy and vision—a result of action and not accident.

In these last days, Jesus is ready to heal yet another generation of paralyzed institutions. God has given the church the responsibility of raising healthy Adventist schools that can walk again after some years of paralysis.

Can Jesus see our faith on our rooftops as we try to repair Adventist education for our young people? Your faith, commitment, passion, and love can:

  1. Heal an Adventist school 
  2. Heal your family 
  3. Heal your children 
  4. Heal young people

God is calling the church to do what has never been done before. We are to prepare a generation of young people who will be schooled and filled with the Holy Spirit as they finish God’s work. Therefore, providing for Adventist schools must be in the strategic plan of every Adventist Church as we preach the Three Angels’ Messages to the ends of the world. May our Lord God return quickly!


Andrew Mutero

Mutero currently serves as the Education Director for the East-Central Africa Division, which includes the countries of Burundi, D.R. Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania.

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