Motivating students to learn grammar can be tricky, but teaching it in context helps. As I teach grammar, there are five steps that I find helpful. One method that has worked well in my classroom is to integrate the five steps and God’s two books: the Bible and nature.
First is the lead-in. Students enter the class with many distractions from the outside world. We need to catch their attention and hook them on the topic. The lead-in is a good place to present a Bible story. The lead-in could involve showing a short film, performing a role play, or sharing stories, anecdotes, analogies, questions, or songs.
Second is elicitation. Eliciting means gathering as much information as possible from the students. We can gauge how much our students already know about the topic and how much time and effort we will need to put in. One of the most common approaches to elicit information is to ask questions. These can be direct questions or indirect questions, and time should be given for reflection before we select a student to respond.
The third is the presentation. This phase will focus on the grammar concepts being covered. The Bible provides many examples of figures of speech and parts of speech that can be useful for this. The examples can be sentences extracted from the parables of Jesus, the Beatitudes, the Ten Commandments or other biblical verses, depending on the target lesson.
It is not necessary for the teacher to give the presentation independently; a student volunteer can provide input or interaction. The teacher may put picture prompts on the board or show a Power Point presentation. Drawing timelines, arrows, and even using our fingers can be very useful to illustrate how to form the grammatical structure. Ideally, the presentation should guide students to relate the new structures to their prior knowledge and life experiences. The teacher can also use controlled practice to model examples of what to expect in the next stage.
The fourth step is connecting the grammar concepts to God’s book of nature. Students can do an activity like a scavenger hunt for adjectives, writing their impressions of what they see, or doing a walk filling in prepositions to describe their movements. They should follow the teacher’s instruction or models carefully. These activities can combine repetitive drills with the creativity and freedom that comes with being in nature.
The fifth step, communicative practice, allows students to smoothly transition from what they learned in class, to the actual application in real life situations. The students can answer questions about their reactions to the topic and the activity, using the things they have learned to compose their responses.
Getting students interested in grammar can be a challenge, but if we teach each stage focusing on creativity and variety, coupled with nature and Bible teachings as examples, we can increase the likelihood of engaging our students and encourage their understanding of God and of biblical truths as well.
Great contribution. Blending language study with biblical truths and creation…a good mix for ESL learners
Thank you, Sir, Rey. You inspired me a lot to write for God’s purpose.
Praise God for the wonderful gift God hath given you, may you continue to do your ministry for the children in Gods leading guidance. God bless and praying for you…..
Oh, after I read this article, I found that it was useful for both students and teachers. These five steps could attract students to learn or to focus. It was a fantastic contribution.
. This is a very good aim to help student to grow , learn , and have fun. So I wish you would keep having this aim to teach students.
in HKAA, i learn so many things, and i love to learn here
It was really good and I learned a lot. You’re a nice teacher
This is the best article I’ve read on the blog. I love it. thank you for this article.
Teaching Grammar with Nature and the Bible. That’s a good idea! I believe that it can bring great benefits to teachers’ teaching and students’ learning.
Thank you for sharing this great idea with us! May God continue to bless your work!
I am a student from Hong Kong Adventist Academy.I learn a lot of things in this article.I am so glad that this article give me a lot of useful tips . I agree that we should learn grammar in nature and with bible . It will be a lot more easier to understand.You are the best teacher I’ve ever meet.I will always remember you.
Evangelistic, bringing the students back to the Source of all knowledge, Creator God Himself….. and to His Word, the Holy Bible.
Carry on, teacher Tess!
Dear Dr.Doris A. Mendoza,
Thank you so much for knowing you as one of our great pillars, who did a remarkable contribution to our College of Medicine.
I always look upon you as one of my living examples who emulates Jesus’ love and compassion for His learners.
Again, thank you for your kind support.
Tess B.
In my view, this is outstanding. Based on the research by the University of Texas on the learning experience of children, the Triangle of Learning posits that learners remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they hear and see, 70% of what they say and 90% of what they say and do. Secondly, the use of the great book of nature in learning emulates the Great Teachers of Religions including, particularly Jesus Christ (in His parables). They used nature as object lessons. The reason is why this method stands out is that lessons from nature address the emotions.
Dear Mahlon Juma,
I give back the glory, honor, and praises to God!
As if my heart couldn’t contain the joy of the kind words you shared.
I feel even more motivated to write and give Him back the glory.
Thank you so much, and God bless you always.
Tess B.
Dear Sir,
Your comments give me more insights into my passion for teaching. More so, your confirmation is based on research.
Thank you so much, and God bless.
I find these five steps helpful specially for me and also for my fellow students, it will help us to improve our grammar also our communication skills. Thank you for sharing this brilliant idea.
Being a student of yours and having these 5 steps integrated into my learning experience has significantly impacted my life; it has influenced my student nursing life and my relationship with God. Grammar truly is an important aspect to our lives because without it, what will communication become? How will we interact with one another?
I am thankful to God for allowing me to be your student in our special class. You have been blessed by God with the talent of teaching grammar and proper English techniques and I could not have asked a better teacher. I hope and pray that I may apply these teachings into my life and ultimately use them for God. He is such a magnificent God!
Let us remember to praise Him through this verse:
“…too branches out of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: “Hosanna! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ The King of Israel!”
John 12:13
In this institution, within in 5 steps in between the nature and the bible. God giving for this wonderful significant concepts to our fellow students. We learn something of many figures using by the fingers and to illustrate on how to form grammatically correct a form of any structures.
For being a son of God, don’t stop preaching the gospel along the ministry, your skills, talents. And do it whatever you do it.
God will provide for us…
And may God continue to bless us all…!!
This writing is really useful and beneficial for the readers. It really has a good spiritual value that encourages the readers to always apply God’s words in everything we do. Always include Bible especially in the method of teaching. As a student, I really love this method of teaching! Thankyou for the article, keep it up Maam! God bless✨
Its very effective method to students and teachers.. Very useful
Great article! Indeed full of useful information.
Trully, teaching grammar can be tricky. Personally, I strongly agree to the five steps used here that can help us students.
Involving students in the teaching method is a good way of getting their attention and interest in a certain topic. As a student, I would like to get involved in and share my inputs as much as possible for a good flow of discussion.
During presentation, we students can gain confidence when facing the class. It can help us interact and share knowledge. Presentation is a very good key in learning gramar. Also, because of this we can show our creativity and showcase different forms of style in presenting something in the class which makes it more interesting.
God has used so many instruments including our professor/s in giving us learnings as well as teaching us our lessons.
God bless us! ?
Thank you for your comment! Good ideas.
God bless you!
It is indeed true that proper grammar usage and learning is not just hard; it’s complicated because of the very confusing standard of englisg grammar. However, in this article entitled, “Teaching Grammar with Nature and the Bible”, the writer did not just stick on how should the students be taught but emphasizes that motivation is a must as well.
The author herself made her article realiabe in a way that she included true-to-life and all life-based experiences. But what made this article more reliable and interesring is that it’s content is not all about the knowledge of one’s self needed but alse extenqaded the context linked to the spirituality.
This thought-provoking writing of Belarmino has stated 5 steps on how to effectively teach grammar which were the following; leading-in, elicitation, presentation, connecting to God’s book of nature and communicative practice.
The article is very much useful for the people who eant to engage or to teach students the complexity of grammar. So why is it helpful? Because as stated, grammar is very tricky and complex and needs effort to be exerted upon.
It is amazing how a writer such as Tess Belarmino taught of writing something like this that could help teachers, mentors, advisers, instructors and educators to teach and educate the students all about the grammar physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and most of all, spiritually, engaging both their mind and soul.
The article was very informative. One of the strategies that is very important is to create an article that is short but contains a precise ideas about the subject matter which this article clearly have. It passes the 7 standards of literature because the informations and knowledges were properly discussed and in order. Spiritual value is involve in the process of correlating both the subject grammar and the Bible. Grammar is extremely important in our society because correct grammars would lead you to understanding people and at the same time being understood correctly by others.
The style that was used in this article in giving out information was in order which first, second, third, to the very last was used which avoided confusions and mixtures of ideas. This article had made an impact to the minds of its readers because it speaks about a very important matter. Articles like this is aimed to make people understand the importance of knowledge that is not just about delivering thoughts, ideas, and informations but instead knowing how to deliver it properly by learning correct grammars and right use of words.
This article is really amazing, Ma’am! Because I can clearly see the Seven Literary Standards that you had taught us in Philippine Literature. I can see the universality in this article because this literature appeals to everyone, not only to those teachers who wants to help their students in their grammar but also to those students who wants to become a teacher because it helps them to have ideas on how to motivate their students someday. There’s also artistry in this article because I can see aesthetic appeal and sense of beauty especially when you talked about the activities with the nature and other activities like power point presentation, drawing, using fingers to illustrate and many more. Intellectual value is also clearly stated here because as a teacher, you should know the mental intelligence of the student and you stated in this article that there will be class participation and discussion for the student so that you will know their mental and physical activity and ability. I also see suggestiveness here because using these steps, the students will have the power to evoke their visions above and beyond the plane of their life and experiences by expressing their ideas about the nature and God’s words. They can also share their experiences if they can relate to a bible verse given to them. Spiritual value is very important in writing an article and I found that this article has the power to motivate and inspire everyone who reads it. When I read this article, it elevates my spirit and my soul because I realized that I should thank God in all of the knowledge that He keeps on giving me and in return, I should inspire others and motivate them just like what you did, Ma’am Belarmino, by writing an article like this to share your knowledge to inspire others and to share your ideas in teaching. This article has permanence because it is not only for the teachers and students for this year but it can help the future generations if they will read this for this article is timeless! And Lastly, I can see the style that you did here, Ma’am. You just gave five steps so that it will be easier for us to remember it and you did not make the article long because nowadays the students don’t want to read long articles because it seems boring to them and it is easy to understand every detail of it. You just did a great example of making an article, Ma’am! Thank you for sharing it to us. May God bless you more!
It is true that learning grammar is hard and it is good to know that there are ways to be effective to students and also to teachers. We can share this too, to other people. Ma’am Tess is so thoughtful that she made this methods to help students and teachers as well. She made 5 steps and one of those methods worked well and that is the Bible and nature.
In her first step which is called lead-in. Ma’am Tess is strategic in capturing the student’s attention. She uses meaningfull and yet educational activities such as role play, short film, creative short stories, anecdotes, analogies and beautiful songs.
In the second step is elicitation that examine the students, wether they really understand what they are reporting. The fourth step might be easy or tricky depending on what will the teacher give. But still it is helpful in gaining knowledge about God. And this is going to be a test in following instructions. And the last step will be the application of what the students learned by asking question to their classmates. I really do appreciate how Ma’am Tess would want us to learn not only about literature but also the word of God by using it in making figure of speech. Because of this we may be able to have time in school works as well as time for Him.
This is absolutely a good way of introducing God and the biblical truths to students. Grammar skills are useful in every aspect of life from education to management and social life to employment opportunities. I can say that the author’s idea of integrating those 5 steps with nature and bible is brilliant. Catching the attention of students to learn in class is not easy neither teaching grammar but with this helpful tips, many students will enjoy their learning of English grammar as they find it easy and interesting. I really appreciate the creativity of the idea of Ms. Tess Belarmino. I hope that every teacher/mentor can apply this teaching method to encourage students understanding of God’s word.
This is a beautifully written article which has covered all the standards of literature which makes the learning of grammar here very effective. The article appeals to everyone and anybody who is going to read it despite of their age, sex, gender or race and in this case it can be for every teacher and student as well. This shows a standard of universality in the writing. As we read on the article, we realize that Ma’am Tess came up with a unique way in which her students can learn and thats from the 5 steps that she has given and also the idea that students can learn through the Bible and Nature. This brings out the artistry of the article. Ma’am has put a great effort in this being an intellectually valuable writing, students and the teacher get to benefit intellectually. We also see suggestiveness in this article because in using the steps Ma’am came up with, the students will have the power to bring to their mind visions that go far beyond just their life and experiences and can relate that to the bible. It is clear that there is a spiritual value in this article more that anything else by just the idea of learning from the bible and nature. This writing shows that it will be there and effective as well for a long period of time thus, the permanence standard covered. We can see how the writer sees life through this article and thats realizing that even the things that seem simple can be tricky which in this case is learning grammar. This shows the style of the article. Ma’am Tess really put great work in her writing.
This article is full of information. The things that i like in this article is that Maam Belarmino include the Bible and the nature which one of God’s creation as a tool of teaching for the student. It is good to learn first fron the word God, the one who gave us widom and from nature which is really helpful for the student. those five steps are very useful not only for me but also for every teacher who wants their students to improve their grammar. Communication is one of the best way to learn grammar, participate in any activities like reflecting from the class discussio. it is right to have a visual presentation, because some student, like me learn almost from it. Your article maam is reaaly true, specially the first step which is the lead-in, the student cannot focus or they cannot learn from the lesson if they dont seek the Lord first. i hope that all teacher who read this article will choose this as a guide to teach grammar for their student.
God Bless you Maam.
This article is very useful and educational when it comes to handling students and teaching them with grammar and Biblical aspects. It will be easier if you recognize your students’ ability before you teach them. First, encourage them in order to learn and lead a prayer before you start because God is the main source of knowledge and wisdom. Second, integrate their skills and know what they are capable of. And third, acknowledge their efforts and hardwork as they learn and gain from it.
According to Martin Luther’s understanding about the importance of language in the relationship between God and man. He said that “It was a special gift of God that was given to all man for through the Word, and not by force, wisdom governs…” In my own opinion, speech/grammar makes people know the Word of God and through His Word, people are enlightened about the truth and feel blessed. It is one of the most essential intrument that God has given to mankind and bring us together with His love. Therefore, language is a very powerful tool that reaches people’s hearts as they live and dwell with truth that sets them free.
So, mam thank you so much for this article and I really learned a lot. May God Bless you more!
This article is an effective guide that can help students improve their grammar. It is also helpful and significant because it appeals to instructors and students. The concept of activities can stimulate students mental capabilities. Not only it contains ways on how to enrich usage of grammar but it also involves the learning of the word of God. Training students how to speak a language eloquently as well as teaching them with the Bible fulfills the philosophy of Christians, to restore the lost image of God with the work of education and the work of redemption.
Ma’am, this article is an effective guide that can help students improve their grammar it is also really helpful because and significant because it appeals to instructors and students. The concept of activities can stimulate students mental processes because it involves activities that appeal to one’s mental capabilities. Not only it contains ways on how to enrich usage of grammar but it also involves the learning of the word of God. Training students how to speak a language eloquently as well as teaching them with the Bible fulfills the philosophy of SDAs, to restore the lost image of God with the work of education and the work of redemption.
That’s my prof!!This article is great. Very informative and it gives us, the readers motivation. Teaching grammar is not that quite easy but it is tricky and challenging. Learning literature is nothing without learning the word of God in using figure of speech. This article does not only inspired us students but also can give inspiration and lesson to teachers,mentors and other people and they can use this as motivation.God has used so many instruments for example our professors in giving us learnings as well as teaching us our lessons. Very worth of my time, I learned a lot. Thank you maam!
It can help so many people to learn about grammar, it can help you to make easier to understand why grammar is important. This blog can motivate everyone and inspire. Thank you for sharing us this article. God Bless you
This is really great. It is true that as a student we sometimes find it difficult to study grammar especially when the teacher just uses pure words to explain them. Motivating us to learn grammar needs effort and I think the 5 steps discussed in this article can help the teacher a lot. From the title itself, it has its own uniqueness and style. I couldn’t even imagine that it is possible to use nature and bible to teach grammar. Letting the students to watch short films, perform role plays. or sing a song gives an idea that any artistic works can help the student to widen their imagination as they learn and understand grammar. If a teacher just explain grammar word by word, the lessons discussed will not last. Having activities like question and answer portion before and after the lesson can increase brain activities. This is universal. Of course everyone needs to study grammar. Providing samples from the bible can be beneficial. we cannot only get spiritual values from it but also knowledge and wisdom ’cause as what the bible says, ” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”, (Proverbs 9:10). Thanks Ma’am. for the suggestions and methods. Not only the teachers can get benefits from this article but the students as well
This article gives ways of teaching grammar with nature and the bible. It really shows how important teaching grammar and teaching bible can be related to find new ways of educating students. I can feel the motivation in it, by connecting grammar with bible studies which can really inspired students to learn more of it. I believe as that this kind of article can be long lasting due to the content that can inspire many instructors to based their teaching with God and nature. This writing is good for every type of reader like me as a student I can say that this article gives me different method of teaching grammar and ways of learning. The gives an idea and also stated about challenges in learning and teaching grammar. In conclusion this article give techniques and method of teaching English grammar by using bible to make grammar more interesting.
It’s great. Other people will learn many things about it.
The article is very much interesting for it teaches grammar with the use of the bible, where different other lessons could be given to a student such as moral lessons and also inspiration. This tickles the mind of the teache and the student to analyze the given literature in all kinds of view such as cultural, social and also spiritual. This Article opens the mind of teachers to be resourceful and creative on how they would deliver the grammar teaching to the students. The Bible is very timeless with it’s moral lessons and inspirational content, and so is the study of grammar that is needed to be learned by all kinds of people from different walks of life. This Article helps on how to effectively teach and impart to the students with the use of the Bible.
Its a very good thing to teach about God’s creation while teaching grammar. Because students may lose their concentration sometimes. So to grab their attention and keep their mind in the class by telling God and nature is a blessing. And it’s better when the teacher shows movies or let the students perform the roleplay and etc. Maam is doing a good job by keeping the students busy which is keeping them away from distraction. May God bless you Ma’am.
Hello , i’m an adventist student from Indonesia and i had read this article shared by my college instructor like a couple weeks ago and to be frank english is not our national language . So, learning grammar is not an easy task to do but since english is a worldwide official international language then it is a must ” have knowledge ” so we can communicate with others without problem and trouble .I’v found this writing’s very informative and beatifully written with rich knowledge contents that had been compressed to this article , the article also have all of the literature standards which makes the article more interesting and more fun to learn grammar . Moving on to the five steps that are being introduce with the bible and the nature as the inspirational ideas by the author ,it is indeed a very nice way to learn grammar and to introduce God & the biblical truths to the student . Because people nowadays tend to forget about God’s presence , by knowing about the article’s contents let’s try to apply it in real life so that we can restore the lost image of God step by step with english as the tool to reach people’s heart and also to share information we have to others to Glorify God’s name . Ma’am thank you very much to share this article to your class , God bless you more ma’am .
When im reading this article i fell bless because this article was relate to the bible and i learn a lot especially the technique that you use i hope that every person that we read this article are appreaciate your effort to create this wonderfull article..
From the last paragraph, we can increase the likelihood of students in grammar and bible truths in terms of creativity, variety, and nature and bible teachings.
In my opinion, this is indeed a helpful and an effective way of teaching. Im one of your students and those things were applied in your class and we as your students gain knowledge within. Thank God for the blessings suchlike this.
Great comment! Thank you for your participation, Jessa.
It’s a very nice article ma’am, thank you because of this we learned so much from you. I wish that you will be able to teach more students. Now I know why your past student’s are very succesful because ma’am your part of it. God bless you always Ma’am.?
Original text : Getting students interested in grammar can be a challenge, but if we teach each stage focusing on creativity and variety, coupled with nature and Bible teachings as examples, we can increase the likelihood of engaging our students and encourage their understanding of God and of biblical truths as well.
Paraphrased: Teaching the stages based on creativity plus variety, together with God’s words and nature. Students may learn both grammar and God’s wisdom.
Ma’am, your ideas about teaching students about grammar is very creative and role of evangelist with 5 steps on how effectively teach them . To think of it Bible and nature can thought students about grammar and also improving their communication skills since Bible is full Parts of speech and Figure of Speech. Nature can be perceive in many different meanings and that makes the students to think of many creative ideas and
to broaden their understanding.
The interpretation of the last part:Everything starts with theoretical knowledge. After a period of study, we need to turn what we have learned into a part that can be used in life practice.Because only in this way can we effectively improve ourselves and will not be what we have learned in vain.
From the article, teaching each stage focusing on creativity and variety, coupled with nature and Bible teachings as examples, we can increase the likelihood of engaging the students and encourage their understanding of God and of biblical truths as well. The students can answer questions about their reactions to the topic and the activity, using the things they have learned to compose their responses. Great Article! It helps every students. God bless!
Getting students inspired by language can be a test, however, on the event that we train each stage concentrating on imagination and assortment, combined with nature and Bible lessons as models, we can improve the probability of drawing in our understudies and support their comprehension of God and scriptural certainties too.
For students who wants to become a english teacher someday this article is really a big help for you. Thank you ma’am for sharing those techniques to us with a touch of Biblical truths, it is really effective. You can teach your students to learn grammar and to the Holy Scripture as well.
By using these 5 techniques we can be able to get and understand what english really is. Using grammatical features, creativity added by variety, with natures and scriptures from the bible, we could get and answer the question we have. The bible teaches we students how to speak and a word properly as well as teaching students together with the scripture fulfills the mission that God has given unto us. The Scripture is the perfect example where we can read the truth and where we can pick thoughts. In short this article can broaden our understanding and we can apply it in our daily and personal life. Thankyou and Godbless. I’ve learned a lot by reading your article Ma’am Teresita Belarmino
It is really interesting to relate God’s book for increasing attention and connecting repetitive drill with creativity and variety this article makes me extent knowledge and wisdom how to learn in class
Teaching coupled by God’s word is the effective way of spreading God’s precious word in students while studying efficiently in english grammars by relying on Holy scriptures with the guide of the Holy spirit and inspire by the wonderful nature created by our God.
Thank the teacher give us share this a good way to learn, cause I know how to better and more interesting, more efficient learning, the teacher’s teaching method is helpful to improve the enthusiasm of learning, stimulate interest in learning, interest is the best teacher, learning interest, motivation, the higher the learning effect is better. The five learning steps and god has given us two of the best books, the bible and the nature, develop our thinking, also inspired us to love learning and truth, to make learning become lively and interesting! More observation, more thought, let learning become a growth, become an interest!
This article is so inspiring. I learned a lot on the 5 steps. It is so creative to impart the Biblical thoughts as an effecting way of teaching. It helps the students to focus on listening on the discussion. And it helps the students to gain more knowledge about the nature as well as in the Bible. Thank you for sharing this article with us. It benefits us a lot. It helps to grow pur spiritual beliefs and understanding. God Bless always and More Power! ??
The article is very usefull. By reading this article it helps me a lot to learn new things that i didn’t notice before. Thanks for this inspiring article. I hope many people will read and through this article they can be inspired also.
A student’s cooperation is very much appreciated. It doesn’t have to be always the teacher that gives the information about the topic. Integrating the techniques with the bible teaching is a great way to learn grammar and most of all we’ll become more closer to God, using His gifts for us to learn great things here on Earth. It is our freedom to choose which path we’ll follow, our will to learn amd search for Him.
This article is effective to those teachers who are struggling in teaching and have compassion on ministry. Indeed, it is also a reminder to us, as a student to understand and appreciate the effort of all teachers out there. A lesson with the context of Holy scripture is the best lesson that every students shouldn’t miss out. God bless Maam!
As a Teacher, I have five steps to help my Students to learn grammar.
First is the lead, we need to catch the attention of the students so that they don’t bother of those distraction from the outside world.
Second is elicitation, we need to gather ideas and information from the students so that we can gauge how much our students already know about the topic.
Third is the presentation, In this step we can use bible to give some example to the students, because bible has many examples that we can use, like the parables of Jesus,
The Ten Commandments and etc.
The fourth step is connecting the grammar concepts to God’s book of nature, we can give some activities that will give the students some ideas and knowledge.
And lastly, the students must apply those knowledge that the teacher gave to them to their real life situations.
Students must keep in their mind that learning grammar maybe a challenge, but if we trust in God and believe in him all things will be possible.
This article shows us that our teacher give their very best to give us the ideas and knowledge that we need through physical, emotional and spiritual.
thank you so much ma’am for always including the bible truths and nature everytime we have our class…we as your students do not only learn in academics but also in spiritual teachings….We are really blessed !!
This article is vividly explained and somehow interesting on how we can observe the use or the relation in the teachings of grammar in through God’s words, that can inspire many teachers to teach the way that is learned with effective and useful steps and methods. God Bless Maam.
Thank u so much ma’am for always including the bible truths and nature in our class..we as your students do not only learn in academics but also in spiritual teachings..We are so blessed!
After reading this article I felt very blessed with the article because I learned a lot with what the article showed more. I feel like I learned a lot with the five steps that I got from the article. Plus each step I can see how it flows smoothly to the next step and at the end it makes me reflect how much teachers try there best to teach there students as well. The incorporation of the bible is the best thing because it makes you want to learn more about grammar and more interested for the teaching. Thank you Ma’am for this amazing article!
Finally, the communicative practice allows students to smoothly transition from what the students learned in class, to the actual application in real life situations.
I have been wondering how I can integrate Faith and Learning in Education once I become an Educator and this article gave me an idea on how such thing to be executed in my class. I agree that “..if we teach each stage focusing on creativity and variety, coupled with nature and Bible teachings as examples, we can increase the likelihood of engaging our students and encourage their understanding of God and of biblical truths as well.” This information is very useful for me as an English teacher in the making. Thank you for sharing these tips to us Ma’am. I hope to learn from you more. God bless in your teaching journey!
Its really a great article. Great idea to teach grammar using Bible and Nature is very effective way of teaching. This article is very inspiring, students should need to appreciate all their teachers effort. God bless you more Ma’am.
The article is full of useful information that helps both teachers and students. Through this article, new teachers will learn valuable insight on how a veteran teacher conducts a lesson. As a student, I find the information about nature and teaching helpful, because this gives me an idea to try studying outside where there are trees and it helps me to concentrate more.
very inspiring and great article. Using Bible and Nature is really a great idea of teaching. God bless Ma’am.
For me personally this article is very useful. I feel very blessed. In this article I can learn that learning grammar is not only from textbooks or other things but we can learn through Bible study. Both from the Bible character, the lessons that are in it and many things that are very useful. I really feel blessed. Thank you, Maam. May God bless us all.
I Praise God, for He has chosen you Ma’am to be an ambassador of his great works through integrating the wonderful creations of the Lord, in doing your craft in English as an Educator. As your students, we can enjoy and appreciate the beauty of nature, learn Grammar, and know more about Jesus in a fun-loving way. As a future educator, this is essential for me to know that the Biblical concepts and God’s beautiful nature is the best learning materials I can ever share with my future students. This will lead them to know more about our savior and how he truly cares for our Education. Indeed, God is good for using you Maam as his messenger to inspire us all through this wonderful article.
Moreover, God’s wonderful words written in the Bible can also be used to integrate into our Speech and theatre class by using this parable, verses, and chapters into an inspiration to create an inspiring speech that would uplift everyone’s spirit to continue learning. God’s natures speak the glamour of His sovereign wealth that we can apply in carving beautiful pieces that will testify how great our God is.
The five steps that are carried out throughout this article are very practical in both our daily and academic life. Nevertheless, I would like to comment my opinion more focused on the author.
As an international student of AUP, I am so contented to know this kind of thoughts that our teachers have on the learning process of a foreign language. Therefore, this inspires me with my studies and projects as a future teacher as well. Additionally, it’s evident that eco-literacy as our natural source and the celestial will of God as our Master in life, will make us better people, not just in our society but also inside of a classroom with students in our care.
I think that the information provided by this site is very helpful, practical and useful. Because I want to be a Christian teacher too, I will do my best to practice this and more such important things in my professional life, thank you Madam Belarmino.
This article inspires me and opens my eyes. As a future educator, I have learned that God’s nature and biblical context are both amazing to use as a learning material for future references. This wouldn’t just help study grammar, improving our logical thinking, but this can also be used to be an inspiration in carving beautiful pieces in making speeches. You as a student wouldn’t just learn the hidden beauty of God’s creation but this helps you as well get closer to the one who made this all. It gives you free access to get to know him more through his impressive piece drawn in nature. This will helps us, students, to draw inspiration in nature, to testify through beautiful topics created. It will help other people, uplift themselves, and appreciate the essence of Studying English. The biblical and nature – as great resources for learning are accessible, we just need to use this wisely to influence other people in raising out our voice and sharing our thoughts. Through this, we’ll be making a big difference.
Thank you so much for sharing this article to us ma’am. I pray that you’ll be a blessing to others as well😇. Teaching English grammar in context and integrating God’s nature would be a great way to teach grammar. As an aspiring educator, it would be a big help for me in the future 😇. God Bless ma’am 🙏😇😍.
Truly the work of education and the work of redemption are one to restore in man the image of His Creator, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created. Students are bombarded with so many things aside from academics they have personal problems at home that may affect learning. A student who sees her teacher’s care and compassion has a great impact to her life.
Teacher who inspires students, give students their best to inspire their teacher.
In this article the teacher did not only teach the students, but also give students the knowledge they really need to prepare them to eternity.
Connecting grammar concepts to God’s Nature Book is communicating to God through nature. Because nature reveals of God Himself. Doing an activity which includes Nature broadens their mind by reflecting to what they’ve experience personally, which makes learning to last long.
Thank you Ma’am for sharing your God given talents to us!
Dr. Tess Belarmino integrated 5 steps into her teaching methods. The first one is by having a lead-in to lure the students into the topic of the day. The second one is the elicitation from the students so she can gauge how much the students already know from the topic. The third one is the presentation which focuses on the grammar concept being covered. The examples are extracted from the parables of Jesus, the Beautitudes, the Ten Commandments or other biblical verses depending on the target lesson. The fourth one is the connection of the grammar concepts to God’s book of nature by doing a scavenger hunt for adjectives or writing their impressions of what they see. The fifth one is the communicative practice that allows students to smoothly transition from what they learned in her class to the actual applications in real life situations. These methods are really effective which is also a great contribution to the Adventist community. This is both helpful and useful for the teachers and students.
The main ideas of the passage have many points. Which are lead-in, elicitation, presentation, connecting the grammar concepts to God’s book of nature and communicative practice. First, lead-in, attention of the students so that they don’t bother of those distraction from the outside world.
Second is elicitation, we need to gather ideas and information from the students so that we can gauge how much our students already know about the topic.
Third is the presentation, In this step we can use bible to give some example to the students, because bible has many examples that we can use, like the parables of Jesus,
The Ten Commandments and etc.
The fourth step is connecting the grammar concepts to God’s book of nature, we can give some activities that will give the students some ideas and knowledge.
And lastly, the students must apply those knowledge that the teacher gave to them to their real life situations.
Two books : Bible and nature.
Five steps: 1. lead in 2.elicitation 3. presentation 4. connecting 5.communicative.
This is how we can teaching grammar with nature and the Bible.
The hook is need no matter on teaching or speech presentation.
Elicitation is also important on elicitation on children or students.
Ask students questions can increase interaction with them.
We can think how our teaching materials connect to students.
Communicative is necessary in humans.
I’m from Taiwan Adventist College.
It is a good teaching strategy – incorporating Biblical truths with grammar teaching to young ones. It is fascinating to see children being fed with Biblical truths aside from focusing more on teaching them the lesson alone which is very common in most classrooms. My friend said it is much easier to teach children because at their age, they are very receptive and absorbing of the knowledge imparted to them. This is an open and good opportunity to apply to them what Ellen White has said int he spirit of prophesy that “the work of education and the work of redemption are one.” As teachers and Jesus, being our Master Teacher, we must lead the children on his feet that they, themselves, would know who Jesus is and manifest His character towards other people as they grow into a full bloom children of God.
First, I praise God because through your writing there are so many people who are inspired to learn grammar trough nature and bible. Integrating faith and values from the Bible is the great way for the students to understand that there is one God who created everything.
Because of a teacher like you, I realized something that is very important to integrate the nature and bible in teaching to convey the best and important five steps To make students interested in learning grammar. I will integrate this lesson when I become an educator as well.
The information are very useful for both teachers and students. Thank you for being God’s instrument. God bless you always.
Indeed, teaching the grammar with bible and the nature leads the learners to Christ. It is not only the learning of the academic side of the grammar but also the integration of faith. As future educator, it helps me to use the nature and the Bible in teaching and leading the learners to Christ as well as providing us the authentic assessment of grammar through the use of nature in real-life exploration and experiences. Thank you so much Dr. Tess Belarmino for sharing this informative article. It helps a lot! More power and God bless.
First, I want to praise God because there many people who are inpired to learn because of this writing. Integrating faith, values and learning is indeed important for students to know that God is the only source of all true learning. Integrating nature and bible in your teaching is a great way to make your students more interested in learning grammar. I agree that “..if we executed these five steps in teaching and learning of grammar, it will be more effective with nature and Bible teachings as examples, we can improve the likeness, engage our students and encourage their understanding of God and of biblical truths also” Indeed, I found this information very useful for me as a future educator.
Thank you for inspiring us. May God continue to use you as his instruments to teach students more about him.
May God bless you always.
First, I want to praise God because there many people who are inpired to learn because of this writing. Integrating faith, values and learning is indeed important for students to know that God is the only source of all true learning. Integrating nature and bible in your teaching is a great way to make your students more interested in learning grammar. I agree that “..if we executed these five steps in teaching and learning of grammar, it will be more effective with nature and Bible teachings as examples, we can improve the likeness, engage our students and encourage their understanding of God and of biblical truths also” Indeed, I found this information very useful for me as a future educator.
Thank you for inspiring us. May God continue to use you as his instruments to teach students more about him.
Thank you very much po for sharing to us this article, it gives me a lot of ideas on how to have a better teaching style in the future, even today. May God bless you as you continue serving God with your profession.
Indeed, teaching grammar with nature and the Bible leads the learners to Christ. The teaching will not only focused on the academic side of grammar but the integration of faith as well. It is an example of authentic assessment for the students where they are able to experience and explore their learning in grammar through the use of nature and biblical perspectives. It is also a great way of knowing the truth from the Bible and what it tells about God and His salvation for us. Like what John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”, this passage reveals that Christ is God and He is with the Father. Even Christ is the foundation of grammar, since He created our world through His words. As a future educator, this article helps me on how should I teach grammar with the integration of our faith. Thank you so much Dr. Tess Belarmino for sharing this inspiring and informative article. More power and God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing this article to us ma’am. I pray that you’ll be a blessing to others as well😇. Teaching English grammar in context and integrating God’s nature would be a great way to teach grammar. “if we teach each stage focusing on creativity and variety, coupled with nature and Bible teachings as examples, we can increase the likelihood of engaging our students and encourage their understanding of God and of biblical truths as well.” As an aspiring educator, it would be a big help for me in the future 😇. God Bless ma’am
This is a very informative and useful article, especially for us students who are gearing to be effective Christian-English teachers. It equipped us with tools on how we can spread the gospel through teaching! Thank you for this Dr. Belarmino! God bless!
This is a very informative and useful article, especially for us students who are gearing to be effective Christian-English teachers. It equipped us with tools on how we can spread the gospel through teaching.
She is my professor in Speech and Theatre arts and she uses these steps in our class, and I can testify that this is an effective way of teaching students about grammar.
It is learner-centred as it allows us to share our knowledge and ideas and also contribute to the entire lesson.
Thank you for this Dr. Belarmino! God bless!
Dear Dr. Teresita Belarmino,
Thank you so much for sharing a very informative article with us.
As a student who dreams to become a ministry teacher someday, this article helped me to have an idea of how can I integrate faith through teaching. Moreover, the steps that you specified are very effective in teaching students about grammar based on my observation of teachers who follows similar steps with that. Using these steps will increase student’s engagement in the class while encouraging them to understand God’s word as well. These results in the progress and growth of the student academically and spiritually.
Furthermore, I was impressed with your ideas most especially, on how these steps were united in a learner-centered approach.
Thank you for inspiring us! I’m praying for your journey on ministry and in teaching Dr. Belarmino! Thank you, and God bless.
Kyla Gynell Trono
Active learning transforms complex technology into something simple and intuitive when practice means many more topics can be provided to the learners because each learner has an option of creating his or her own lessons.
Learning a language is not a simple thing, but we should have a positive attitude to face all the difficulties. We rely on god to give us wisdom, innovation, as a future educator, more should know how to let students better understand the knowledge learned. This article puts more emphasis on learning in a proper way. All things created by God are orderly, and we learn grammar with latent regularity.
Thank you maam for giving us such learning skills. Through this article, I have learned a lot. Recently I was reading the English version of the Bible. Through your article, I can better practice how to read the Bible and apply it. Into our English learning. At the same time, I understand your article. As a teacher, how should we teach students knowledge, because my major is education, so the teacher is of great help to me.
Yes, when learning languages, we should follow these five steps and the two books God has given us, the Bible and Nature. Through the laws of some things in nature, we can learn a lot. God is the designer of the whole world. There are many mysteries in it that we have not discovered yet. In nature, we can exercise our imagination by praying to God. He will give us the wisdom and wisdom to understand the world he designed for us. We can also learn a lot from the Bible. Both the Bible and nature are gifts from God.
Thank god, and thank you maam for sharing, this article.
Learning a language is not a simple thing, but we should have a positive attitude to face all the difficulties. We rely on god to give us wisdom, innovation, as a future educator, more should know how to let students better understand the knowledge learned. This article puts more emphasis on learning in a proper way. All things created by God are orderly, and we learn grammar with latent regularity.
Thank you ma’am to share.
“The essence of second language education is embodied in its attempt to bring people together so that they can communicate across linguistic and cultural boundaries” (Tedick et al.,
1993, p. 44).
I think this quote reflects, as this article does, the need for new knowledge for English grammar students from both nature and The Holy Word (Bible). This article made me analyze how to continue studying so that one day I can also apply these tips in a classroom. Unfortunately, for students in Colombia, the need to function competently in more than one language –only Spanish for all– has not had so much relevance; that is why I am doing my best here at Adventist University of the Philippines to see a different change in myself in this interdependent and rapidly shrinking world of the 21st century. It has become crucial to prepare students with proficiency in a second language: being able to speak about the language and describe its grammar; that is why I really agree with this emphasis on nature and the Bible as central approaches to acquiring language for real communicative purposes. In fact, it should be an exciting time to participate in language / Bible education.
Dear Dr. Tess, Thank you so much for supporting and sharing.
Wilson C.
Thank you very much, Doc. Tess, this article is an effective guide that can help students like me improve our grammar. We can learn and understand what English is by using these five techniques. It is also very useful and important because it appeals to both instructors and students. Because it involves activities that appeal to one’s mental capabilities, the concept of activities can stimulate students’ mental processes. It not only includes suggestions for improving grammar usage, but it also includes instruction in the study of God’s word. Teaching students how to speak a language fluently, as well as teaching them the Bible, fulfills the SDA philosophy of restoring the lost image of God through education and redemption.
Peter John E. Paulino
WOW! This article will surely help me as I am now in training ground to be part of teaching ministry. Thank you for sharing this Ma’am. I am inspired to include nature as well as the bible in teaching grammar. I’m sure that by using the five steps you shared will help my future students grow not only mentally but also spiritually.
Thank you kindly for sharing an enlightening article for us Dr. Tess. In reality, instructing language that adjusted into book of scriptures will drives the students into Him. We should acquaint with our understudies who is God in their lives, so they will pick a saving relationship with Him for themselves, Sharing the gospel and pass on more noteworthy significant spirits with Him. Since each living soul that we experience is a fortune and a competitor into paradise.
Dr. Tess is one of my teachers in my expert instruction subjects. Also, I can tell and affirm that God is working with her. She utilized her gifts and abilities to praise God, that is the reason I truly enlivened about this article that I read. Much obliged to you for this Dr. Tess. May God constantly use you as you spread the uplifting news to everybody.
Thank you kindly for sharing an enlightening article for us Dr. Tess. In reality, instructing language that adjusted into book of scriptures will drives the students into Him. We should acquaint with our understudies who is God in their lives, so they will pick a saving relationship with Him for themselves, Sharing the gospel and pass on more noteworthy significant spirits with Him. Since each living soul that we experience is a fortune and a competitor into paradise.
Dr. Tess is one of my teachers in my expert instruction subjects. Also, I can tell and affirm that God is working with her. She utilized her gifts and abilities to praise God, that is the reason I truly enlivened about this article that I read. Much obliged to you for this Dr. Tess. May God constantly use you as you spread the uplifting news to everybody.
Thank you very much for the sharing by Ms. Belarmino. This method of teaching grammar is very useful for students to learn grammar. Grammar is a very difficult problem for students, so it becomes difficult to teach grammar as a teacher. But Ms. Belarmino’s sharing here has provided great help to us students majoring in English education. Thank you very much.
Teaching grammar with nature and the Bible is a very interesting topic. Nature and the Bible are the best gifts God has given us. The five steps mentioned in this article are lead-in, elicitation, presentation, connecting the grammar concepts to God’s book of nature, and communicative practice. These five steps are very useful teaching methods. This teaching method is a student-centered teaching method, which is very good. Using learning in nature allows students to increase their thinking ability so that they can To better stimulate one’s potential, and to learn grammar by reading the scriptures, Ten Commandments, and stories in the Bible, this is very effective, because the Bible says: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10) Therefore, we need wisdom from God to help us, because God is wonderful.
Thank you again for sharing, I have learned a lot from you, thank you. God bless.
Praise God for this relevant and helpful article Dr. Tess! It is common for the students to keep quiet, be bored, and feel unmotivated when their subject is English because they’re afraid to commit grammatical errors. Further, catching the students’ attention and maintaining their interest is crucial, especially in the present time. I appreciate you for giving us ideas, tips, and methods. One of them is showing our students a Bible story before the class discussion begins; indeed, this activity would catch their attention and fire up their interest. Another idea is knowing their knowledge about the topic, and I realized that this could help me as a future teacher prevent from discussing the same thing again; this could also help save time and effort both for my students and me as their teacher. Now that I have an idea about the knowledge they have for our topic, I can start presenting ideas that would be fun to learn for them. Connecting the concepts of grammar to the Bible is a unique way to boost their interest and make them eager to read God’s Holy Word. Lastly, asking them to present a devotional in class could help me assess their grammar and, at the same time, lead them to the feet of Jesus. Always remember to keep your lesson fun, full of Christian values, and above all, Christ-centered.
Dear Dr. Teresita Belarmino,
Thank you so much for sharing a very informative article with us.
As a student who dreams to become a ministry teacher someday, this article helped me to have an idea of how can I integrate faith through teaching. Moreover, the steps that you specified are very effective in teaching students about grammar based on my observation of teachers who follows similar steps with that. Using these steps will increase student’s engagement in the class while encouraging them to understand God’s word as well. These results in the progress and growth of the student academically and spiritually.
Furthermore, I was impressed with your ideas most especially, on how these steps were united in a learner-centered approach.
Thank you for inspiring us! I’m praying for your journey on ministry and in teaching Dr. Belarmino! Thank you, and God bless.
Kyla Gynell Trono
This article is educational and informative. First, the author presented how to inspire students to study grammar. Second, she shared five steps that have related to her experience in teaching. Then, she even put the integration of faith in God’s two book-Bible and nature. Lastly, I learned a lot of information to help me as a future teacher and guide me while learning grammar.
I hope and pray that many students and teachers can read this article. I believe that it could help them in their learning journey. I know that it is challenging to practice this example, but with God’s help, I could be like the author and even the Great Teacher like Jesus.
This article gives me an idea of how to become an effective Christian teacher in the future. The five methods used by Dr. Tess caught my attention because I know that it would be a big help for the learners to understand the correct use of grammar in a way that they will have fun while studying. The said methods will also help the students build a steady and firm spiritual life. In the process of linking both the subject grammar and the Bible, spiritual value is involved. As future educators, we must not only focus on the excellence of the intellectual capacity of our students. We must also understand that we are to lead the children on the feet of Jesus Christ, for He is the most suitable role model for them. They must possess a Christ-like character as they grow up, and we are to partake as aspirant educators. This informative article gives me broader insights and helps me connect Christ with my passion for teaching.
It was such a blessing to all of us who read this work. Dr. Tess, your work contributed a lot to my understanding and is highly appreciated. May the Lord God Bless you and your family abundantly.
First of all, I would like to thank you, Dr. Tess for these 5 tips you’ve shared. I find it so relevant and effective for my future teaching career.
Also, the conclusive thought of the article is so powerful, emphasizing about, “… focusing on the creativity and variety, coupled with nature and Bible teachings as examples…” I find it as a perfect formula of a learner-centered strategy that every Christian teacher should implement in the classroom. With this, I have learned that, despite of the trickiness of the lesson like grammar, we should present our lessons with the integration of faith and learning which will help the students’ learning journey more meaningful and productive both mentally and spiritually.
Moreover, this idea of classroom management creates an interactive and proactive environment for the students. So, I am really thankful that I experienced this first-hand in a class with Dr. Tess as the facilitator and the role model.
You are so blessed with God’s grace pretty Dr. Tess, I hope you keep getting blessed and can continue to serve God in good health and mind.