Take a look at our favorite resources for pastor and teacher partnership, collected and reviewed by CIRCLE. Experienced Adventist educators sift the ever expanding array of online resources for those of best value for Adventist teachers, administrators and support staff, curating lists for quick and easy use by busy educators anywhere, anytime.
Pastors and Teachers Manual: Together in His Calling by Atlantic Union Conference
If you are looking for “tools for a team approach to integrating Adventist education into church life as a means of preparing children and youth to be Christ’s disciples on this earth and for eternity,” then this is a great resource for you. Included are 27 ways schools can support pastors and 25 ways pastors can support schools.
Pastor & Teacher Training Manual: Partnering in the Mission by Lake Union Conference
Many pastors do not receive adequate orientation on how they should work with their local school, nor do educators receive orientation on the role of their pastor. This manual aims to identify good practices and serve as a guide for pastors and teachers in their shared ministry.
2 Ministries/One Mission by George Knight
Based on his keynote address at the Atlantic Union Conference Pastors and Teachers Convention in 2009, Knight shows that, as two Seventh-day Adventist ministries, pastors and educators have the same mission. It is imperative that both ministries work together.
United on an Eternal Mission by Steve Vistaunet
Focusing on two communities in the North Pacific Union Conference, this feature describes what can happen when schools and churches work together to bless each other and their communities.
Pastors and Schools – A Dream Team by Bill Keresoma
This article shares testimonies and tributes to pastors who invest themselves in church schools. The insights inspire, and will hopefully spark ideas for healthy partnerships between church and school in the ministry of Christian education for all God’s children.
Educators, and Ministerial and Youth Directors Dialogue About How to Nurture Youth by Astrid Thomassian
Read one union’s strategy in deliberately working together to strengthen the spiritual lives of their children and youth.
Building Bridges: A Teacher and a Pastor Dialogue about Discipleship by Kathleen Beagles and Gavin Anthony
A teacher and a pastor discuss how education and pastoring overlap extensively in the area of discipleship. Educators would benefit from pastoral approaches and pastors would benefit from broadening their instructional approaches and understanding.
Pastors and Teachers: Partners in Kingdom Growth by Larry Blackmer
Considering the shared calling to ministry, this presentation to Adventist pastors and teachers in North America draws on ValueGenesis research, a NAD Office of Education focus group study, and financial data to illustrate the importance of working together.
My Collaborative Relationship with My Pastor – or Not? by Janet Ledesma
This 2012 NAD Teachers’ Convention presentation discusses principal-pastor relationships as they relate to mentoring, collaboration, communication, and support. It was designed to help principals and constituent church pastors enhance their working relationship through researched and proven collaborative practices.
25 Ways Pastors Can Support Their School by Stuart Tyner
Although this article was published 20 years ago, its creative ways a pastor can be involved never get old!
Pastor and Teacher – Cooperating for Success by Monte Sahlin
This article from the archives suggests collaboration strategies, proposes plans, and shares a vision of what can result from effective collaborative outreach by church and school.
Enhancing Pastor/Teacher Relationships by Roland Hill
Here is another good article from the archives. In addition to suggestions on forming a good relationship with your pastor, it includes tips on mending a broken one.
For more resources on this topic, check out theCIRCLE School and Church section.
What would you add to this list? Email [email protected] to add your resources to CIRCLE.
Are teachers the best partner for pastors?