Adventist Education's New Imperative: Digital Evangelism

What is the purpose of Adventist education and how does this impact our role as educators? Simply put, the purpose of Adventist education ultimately is to equip us to share the gospel of Jesus to all the world.

Christian Growth August 8, 2019

“And the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).

What is the purpose of Adventist education and how does this impact our role as educators? Simply put, the purpose of Adventist education ultimately is to equip us to share the Gospel of Jesus to all the world. In this context, Adventist education is distinguishable from other systems in mission and strategy. It is an education that moves beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge that is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. Continuous evaluation and curricular realignment considering this changing reality will equip our students to fulfill this ultimate purpose in lives of earthly service.

How then might the Gospel Commission of global penetration be promoted, packaged, delivered and transmitted? The interpretation of “preaching the Gospel to the entire world” brings technology to full force as a tool of delivery. Churches, schools and local conferences should collaborate with social media ministries to hold digital communication training for members. We are not merely teaching the Common Core of subjects to students, but rather, we are using education as a tool to advance ministry.

The North American Division has reviewed an innovative approach to produce the Adventist Common Core of Standards as a guide. Our purpose is clear, our target population intact, and our timing immediate. We now need a suitable strategy that delivers the desired intent. This strategy is the vertical and horizontal articulation and collaboration between the church, school and local conference, where the Bible departments of schools can be linked to the Personal Ministries departments of churches and conferences.

Such a strategy would represent an efficient and effective use of ministry resources. We have entered a new reality of fluid national boundaries that are globally connected through technology and social media. It is a world of the visual, the instantaneous, the rapid and the ready. Our curriculum, therefore, must respond to this new reality by adopting digital evangelism. Our students must reach the world with a message of salvation, having become proficient in the techniques of production and delivery.

Our school in collaboration with local churches has started an iPad pilot ministry program where students link the Bible to technology to produce websites, short video-clips, podcasts, and social media platforms – Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are a few among several. The ministry of digital evangelism and discipleship is a must as we embrace technology to equip students to digitally minister in the new reality. Only then, can the Gospel of the kingdom be truly preached in all of the world for a witness to all nations — “Go Ye Into All the World.” “ All the world” adopts a global perspective.

The North American Digital Ministries Department is an ample resource. Visit to revitalize your school and church with new ways of preaching, teaching and reaching.

What are some other digital tools that you can use to enhance your own experience of sharing the Gospel?


Sylvan A. Lashley

E.D., J.D., Associate Pastor, South Atlantic Conference, USA. Served in pastoral districts, high school principalship & superintedent and four college presidents in three countries.


  • | August 10, 2019 at 2:55 pm

    Thank you

  • | December 23, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    The perspective that Sylvan shared is timely and fitting for the transformation of SDA Christian Education and its mission. The digital tools available now and what is to come will enhance the educational, medical, and gospel systems to expand it reach to nations, societies, communities, and individuals across the globe with the Truth and the revelation of our Creator for the salvation of humanity.
    The training of those who will deliver the content of the gospel and its style (form and function) is essential to the effectiveness and nimbleness of the delivery to have maximum impact on the recipients.

  • | December 24, 2023 at 8:15 am

    Your article truly brings home the true reason for the existence of Adventst Education. We as educators must be intentional in receiving digital assistance from students to send out the message far and wide that Jesus saves. Thanks for sharing!

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