The Power of Relationship

For a student, belonging precedes believing. Through encounters that establish friendship and community, we connect with students in faith-forming ways.

Christian Growth August 15, 2019

For a student, belonging precedes believing. Through encounters that establish friendship and community, we can connect with students in faith-forming ways.

Jesus was accessible. He talked with the woman at the well (John 4:5-42). He joined the wedding celebration at Cana (John 2:1-11). He traveled to Sidon to interact with a foreigner (Matthew 15:21-28). He was available for Nicodemus outside office hours (John 3:1-21). To connect with students, we must first be accessible. Student must sense that we value them, that we have time for them. They should never conclude that we are bothered by their “intrusion” on our time and activities. After all, they are the reason that we are here.

Relationships are built on conversations. Find opportunities to talk with students. Show an interest in their lives. Ask about their background, their interests, and their dreams. Listen carefully to their replies. Many students are longing for someone to care, to understand. Always listen first, then when you speak direct the student toward faith. If the student is discouraged, share a promise from Scripture. If the student has achieved, celebrate together and praise God for His role in the accomplishment.

Prayer is a powerful relational strategy. Seek opportunities to pray with and for your students. Prayer transforms lives. A colleague of mine was attending a conference when a young man walked up. He was a student from a few years before, now a professional. “I’m so happy to see you!” he exclaimed. “I have never forgotten you. One day, you noticed that I was worried, and you asked what I was worried about. After we talked, you offered to pray for me. That was the only time during the years I was at the school that someone prayed just for me.” My colleague said that it was a bittersweet moment. It was sweet because a prayer which he scarcely remembered made a lasting impression on a young person’s life, but then he wondered how many other students went through school with no one ever praying just for them.

Spiritual Community
Not long ago I was invited to speak at the alumni homecoming of an institution where I had served some years before. Several of my students approached. They said, “Teacher, you taught us so many things, and now we have forgotten almost everything!” I felt a bit disheartened at hearing this. “But,” they continued, “there is something we will always remember. You and your wife invited us to your home one evening. We ate together, and you shared with us some of your experiences. We have never forgotten.” That same homecoming, another two students recalled the Sabbath when we had gone to the mountains together as one of the highlights of their experience. I was surprised, but perhaps I shouldn’t have been. Creating community is one of the most effective ways to help students connect with one another and with God.

When we create occasions for friendship and spiritual fellowship, we touch lives for eternity.


John Wesley Taylor

John Wesley Taylor V, PhD, is Associate Director of Education at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He has served as teacher and educational administrator in North America, Latin America, and Asia, and in elementary, secondary, and higher education settings. He is a friend of young people and a colleague of teachers.


  • | September 17, 2019 at 6:50 am

    I am convinced that it is the shared spiritual connections and conversations that are often remembered longer than any content material we taught in classes. The content classes may just be the vehicle to reach a student’s heart.

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