Graduations are a natural time to reflect on the past while looking forward to the future with hope. In her guest editorial titled Remember the Wonders He Has Done, Chandra Goff considers how God has directed her own life in unexpected ways. Additional articles in Volume 83, Issue 2 (2021) of The Journal of Adventist Education include:
Does Teaching About Evolution in Adventist Schools Destroy Faith in God? by Stanley D. Dobias and Russ Butler
Following a three year study, the authors “believe that open dialogue and discussion regarding religious as well as secular thought, including evolutionary theory, is better for a well-rounded education and for spiritual nourishment than dismissal of ideas that appear to be counter to, for example, creation or intelligent design.”
An Application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Students’ Motivation in the Religion Classroom by Timothy Alan Floyd
“Religion teachers have the privilege of being able to nurture, model, and demonstrate God’s love, showing students the joy of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If the religion teacher has prepared, cleared obstacles to learning, and established that he or she cares about the student, there is a greater chance that the student will not only succeed, but also gain a better understanding of the world around him or her.”
Mahlon Ellsworth Olsen—Pioneer Adventist Educator by John Wesley Taylor V
Mahlon Ellsworth Olsen made significant contributions to Adventist education, health, and publications. Read more about him and other historical Adventists in the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists.
Opportunities for Education in Times of Pandemic and Post-pandemic by Sócrates Quispe-Condori, Tito Goicochea-Malaver, and Edgard Leonel Luz
“To address the challenges and problems faced by our educational institutions in pandemic and post-pandemic times, we as Seventh-day Adventist educators will have to regularly reinvent ourselves. To remain relevant in a society that is constantly transforming, we will need to update our knowledge, pursue professional development, learn new skills, and be creative.”
Reflections of an Adventist Teacher: A Personal and Professional Worldview Synthesis by Trisha Higgins-Handy
In the author’s words, “my personal and professional synthesis of worldview impacts my teaching practice. For this reason, I must intentionally engage in continuous reflection about what I believe and why, and above all, how it influences what I do. As I examine what I believe to be true about my personal worldview and profession, I strive to become more authentic and to have a greater impact on the lives of my students, their parents, my colleagues, and my community.”
Learning During Stressful Situations: Optimizing Evidence-based Learning Strategies by Ike C. de la Peña and Michael C. Pan
“How can teachers help students as they go back to school? What strategies can they use to help students catch up for the ‘learning loss’ during the pandemic? How can educators help students learn during stressful situations, in general?”
JAE 2021-2
Volume 83, Issue 2 (2021) of The Journal of Adventist Education is now available online.