Engage Newsletter Fall 2022

Published quarterly, Engage is the official newsletter for North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist Education.

Engage Newsletter September 22, 2022

Embrace Another Year! by Arne Nielsen
“As we enter the 2022-2023 school year, let us embrace the uniqueness of our school system. Let us look for miracles, daily, to help spark our minds, reset our perspectives, and to find joy in working with His children. Let us build a community where learners thrive, where there are new possibilities, and we as educators can make someone smile, where we can influence the love of learning, and, prayerfully, where we can lead someone to Jesus.”

Education Summer Committees – Having a Blast! by Leisa Morton-Standish
“An amazing group of over fifty educators from around the North American Division descended on our headquarters in Columbia, Maryland, to continue to create curriculum resources for our teachers.”

Increasing Student Engagement Using Virtual Connections by Leisa Morton-Standish
Integrating technology, incorporating student voice and choice, and implementing Project-Based Learning can all be facilitated through Adventist Teacher Connect. Follow these steps to get started!

Adventist Education Website Relaunch by Martha Ban
“After months of concentrated research, writing, and redesign, the North American Division Office of Education officers are eager for educators to explore every aspect of this retooled vehicle for drawing potential parents and students to the Adventist school that fits and suits their needs—yours! The site is also the perfect place to discover a multitude of materials for marketing your school and Adventist education to churches and communities, locate hundreds of resources for curriculum and programming, find inspiration for becoming or remaining a teacher in the Adventist school system, and explore job openings in Adventist schools across the NAD.”

Field Trips Expand Learning Beyond the Classroom by H. Stephen Bralley
“Studies indicate that field trips are a key component of school instruction, broadening the educational experience and making subjects more relevant. Field trips help students make connections with hands-on experiences which help connect the dots between content and utilization of that knowledge. Field trips strengthen observation skills by immersing children into sensory activity, increasing students’ knowledge.”

How Environment Affects Child Development and Learning by Evelyn Sullivan
In addition to the home, “the school environment also plays a significant role in a child’s early years. A child’s relationship with their teachers and peers helps them learn how to share their feelings and thoughts. Loving adult relationships will foster a child’s personality and help them develop self-confidence.”



The Curriculum and Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators (CIRCLE) helps Seventh-day Adventist educators locate the ever-expanding array of resources for the ministry of teaching. Visit CIRCLE.adventistlearningcommunity.com to find and share Adventist educational resources anytime, anywhere.

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