Finding Adventist Education in Adventist Schools - Part 2

Philosophy and Mission June 29, 2023

When we are considering whether our schools are embodying the goals and principles of Adventist education, one of the key indicators to look at is the results we see in our students. 

Elementary Schools

Every student completing the elementary level at an Adventist school should:

  • Have had the opportunity to commit their lives to God through conversion, baptism, service, and a desire to do God’s will.
  • Demonstrate competence in thinking, communication, and quantitative skills and other skills needed at the secondary level.
  • Show the interpersonal skills and emotional growth necessary for healthy relationships with peers, family, and community.
  • Know and practice basic principles of health and balanced living including wise use of time and entertainment media.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation for the dignity of labor along with a general awareness of career options appropriate to their interests and God‐given abilities.

Secondary Schools

Students completing the secondary level at an Adventist school should:

  • Have the opportunity to develop a maturing faith in God characterized by personal devotion, public worship, and service and witness to others.
  • Demonstrate competence in communication, quantitative skills, and creative thinking, and other academic areas foundational to tertiary education or the world of work.
  • Practice maturity within the family circle, in the choice of friendships, in preparation for marriage, and within their church and community.
  • Demonstrate their belief in the body as a temple of God, including careful use of time and discriminating selection of music, media, and entertainment.
  • Show a strong work ethic within entry‐level work experiences appropriate to their interests and God‐given abilities.

Tertiary Institutions

College Students who complete the tertiary level at an Adventist institution should:

  • Have had the opportunity to commit themselves to God, support the message and mission of the church, and live a principled life.
  • Exhibit proficiency in critical thinking, stewardship, creativity, communication, and other forms of academic scholarship toward fulfillment of their vocations and life‐long learning.
  • Manifest loving concern for the well‐being of others in preparation for marriage and family life, citizenship within a diverse community, and fellowship within the community of God.
  • Maintain a consistent lifestyle that demonstrates a commitment to optimal health practices essential to effective adult living. 
  • Answer God’s call in the selection and pursuit of their chosen careers, in selfless service and in building a free, just, and productive society and world community.

Life‐long Learning

Life‐long learning should be available after formal schooling, including opportunities for certification and career enrichment. In the non‐professional realm, programs should be offered in areas such as local church leadership, family life, and Christian growth. Programs need to utilize both traditional and online learning methods. 

Can we find Adventist Education in our Adventist schools? We certainly can! We cannot fail to reflect the Adventist education philosophy and to reach our ultimate goal of restoring the image of God in our students and ourselves. May we allow God to make us His lighthouse in this world.

This article is the second part of a series. Read part 1.


Ellen Juita Gultom

Ellen Juita Gultom is a Lecturer at a private university in Jakarta, Indonesia. She graduated from AIIAS, Philippines in 2013. As a pastor’s wife, she is committed to contributing in Adventist education.

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