Opening Doors Through Music

North American September 11, 2023

Today’s statistics confirm how quickly education is losing its traditional learning methods and practices. The problem has increased as social media and its forms of electronic entertainment seem to overwhelm the minds of young people. It is not surprising that modern forms of entertainment influence the minds of both youth and adults, impacting analytical skills, social in-person interactions, focus, and other challenges.

Over the centuries, learning a musical instrument has opened new experiences in the lives of youth and adults. From performing an instrument in an ensemble to feeling the pleasure and achievement of finalizing a new piece, music has historically done much for many people. If parents and guardians could realize the positive impact music makes on children, perhaps there would be more music stores and fewer video game shops. 

Music has been linked to the development of the brain. Learning to play a musical instrument creates a whole spectrum of neurological connections and supports the development of fine motor and cognitive skills. For instance, a piano student can develop fine motor and intellectual skills, foster an independent focused memory, and establish hand/finger coordination, all of which can be related to academic and professional success. Those who engage in instrumental ensembles experience collaboration, teamwork, and unity through a mix of inspiration and independent expression. It is difficult to believe that fine music skills and their benefits can be derived from today’s social media world. 

These days, many young people struggle with mental health. Feelings of loneliness, a need for recognition, and a desire for belonging are common challenges seen throughout our schools. It is good to remind students and parents that there is something for everyone in the making of music. It is not surprising to find that many successful professionals had a musical background in their younger years. 

If you are a parent who wants to find a healthy way to support your child with an integrated development of intellectual and physical skills, then give music a chance. Look for a music studio and start your child in a learning environment where he or she will be able to participate in the creative process of music. The rewards, although not always immediate, are countless. Music opens the door to many opportunities not lived and experienced before. We are in a new world and technology is driving us at a rapid pace. Why don’t we take a pause and give music a new chance?


David Nino

David Nino is currently serving as the Music director at Highland View Academy in Hagerstown, Maryland, USA.

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