Student-Directed Conflict Resolution
Using the “Step-It-Out” mat helps children independently solve their own problems in a healthy way.
A Father and a Dying Son
We can stay in our comfortable shelters at the top of the mountain, or we can go down to the bottom of the mountain with…
International Forum Volume 19, Number 2
In his editorial, Safary Wa-Mbaleka explains qualitative research's role in this issue of International Forum, the interdisciplinary research journal of the graduate school of AIIAS.
Être éducateur dans une institution adventiste
Un éducateur adventiste devrait être conscient que sa mission n’est pas juste limitée à communiquer des connaissances mais aussi à transmettre la valeur chrétienne.
CPB Educacional – Artigos sobre o Universo da Educação
As publicações do portal CPB Educacional, Universo da Educação, incluem artigos sobre diversos temas de interesse para educadores.
Servant Leadership (Part 2)
Leadership is about service, not status. It is about empowering rather than empire building, and it is about others, not ourselves.
Publicadora Adventista é pioneira no ensino de criacionismo no Brasil
Esse processo envolve quase 260 profissionais e resulta na distribuição de 1,7 milhão de exemplares anuais para todo o Brasil.
A Higher Gift
Anchored in Jesus’ sovereign care, we can have the assurance that our future is in Him.
Servant Leadership (Part 1)
The five words used in the New Testament translated “ministry” generally refer to “servanthood” or service given in love.
Depresión en Estudiantes Universitarios
El trastorno depresivo ocurre en personas de todos los géneros, edades y procedencias y afecta a casi 350 millones de personas en todo el mundo.
In Adventist News: January-March 2017
This quarter, North American Division publications included the following articles that may be of interest to Adventist educators. Enjoy reading!
“Bons professores sempre foram e sempre serão visionários”
Com um método inovador no segmento didático da época, Hulda fez a diferença ao oferecer uma nova proposta no ensino da língua.